The Uniqueness of Labuan Bajo, different to other cities in Indonesia, Labuan Bajo has some uniqueness. First, it is a port city storied. Labuan is not a city with vast lowlands. The lowlands of the coast is not very widely followed slope that supports the vast plains on it. This condition creates a beautiful city landscape.Second, Labuan Bajo fortified by uninhabited small islands. The existence of islands creates the beauty of Labuan Bajo so it is no exaggeration to say that is beautiful city. Third, The Uniqueness of Labuan Bajo is a safe city. At least until now there has been no complaint from the tourists associated with pickpocketing or other criminal acts are synonymous with the urban world. So do not be afraid to come to Labuan Bajo. Beside to secure, you will also find hospitality of locals Flores. When you meet with others unknown though, the locals Flores always give a smile. You to respond to each other with a smile anyway dis not impress to be haughty. As also you can take a look on our Guest House & Coffee Shop, it always great to see you there, cause you can enjoy your coffee with a stunning seaview, and aslo the guest house had a sea view too, we always provide the specialty beans grade for a satifying our customers.
Take a look on our liveaboard, have a good day everyone.